Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Увага! З цінами на послуги та текстом публічного договору про надання медичних послуг можна ознайомитися на сайті установи в розділі Платні медичні послуги.

Cardiology department

The cardiological department is intended for the treatment of heart disease (including treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acute coronary syndrome after assisting in cardiac surgical clinics), hypertension, systemic connective tissue diseases.

The cardiology department was opened in the Central Electurities of Ukraine in 1977. The first chief of the cardiology department was the decompany of the internal service of Sankova Inna Pavlovna, who headed the department until 1994.
In its work, the department staff has preserved the best traditions of domestic medicine and, at the same time, use all modern methods of diagnosis and medical treatment of diseases of SSS.O.Plaid deployed double chambers that are equipped with new furniture, professional and responsive medical staff operated by new furniture.

Examination of the cardiological department

For patients there are surveys:

  • ECG,
  • Echocard,
  • Carrying tests (VEM, TREDMIL),
  • Daily monitoring of ECG and AT.

The department has doctors who have a higher qualification category.
Under the need, patients can be advised by specialists of leading institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment